Our PSHE curriculum aims to provide pupils with the knowledge, understanding and emotions to be able to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society. We want our children to have high aspirations, a belief in themselves and realise that anything is possible if they put their mind to it.
Our RSE curriculum aims to help children to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin, understand their bodies, express emotions safely and manage their behaviours.
PSHE is taught through Jigsaw’s six half-termly themes with each year group studying the same unit at the same time (at their own level):
Term 1: Being Me in My World
Term 2: Celebrating Differences
Term 3: Dreams and Goals
Term 4: Healthy Me
Term 5: Relationships
Term 6: Changing Me (including Sex Education)
It also identifies links to British Values, and SMSC and is taught in such a way as to reflect the overall aims, values, and ethos of the school.
At Sandown, we also teach aspects of Sex Education that is covered in our Science Curriculum. Alongside this, we teach about different kinds of relationships, so that our pupils have an understanding of the full diversity of the world they live in and be prepared for life in modern Britain. The Sex Education aspects of PSHE are taught through Jigsaw.
Progression of SkillsPSHE KnowledgePSHE including RSE Policy
Please click here to find out more about what your child will be learning each term in PSHE.
PSHE (ID 1014)
RNLI visit Sandown
RNLI visit Sandown
RNLI volunteers spent the day at Sandown school. We enjoyed very informative talks about water safety. They gave advice on different aspects of keeping safe in the sea, near rivers and on beaches. The children listened brilliantly and I hope they will take onboard these important messages for how to say safe.