• Proud to be part of DEALT

Sandown School

Letters Home - Term 1 2024.2025


Walk Home Alone:

If you are happy for your child to walk home alone after school regularly, then please click here to complete the letter and send into school confirming your permission.   If it is for just a one-off occasion, please contact your Class Teacher/School Office etc.



Whole School:

Year 5 and 6 Football - boys and girls Year 5 and 6 Football

PTA Sponsored walk - Sponsored walk

KS2 film night - Film night



Height and weight check -   Height and weight check

Vision screening -  Vision screening

Deal Gymnastics visits - Deal Gymnastics visit


Year 1:

Deal Gymnastic visits - Deal Gymnastic visits

Year 4:

11+ Support Service - 11+ Support letter

                                     11+ Support Brochure

Year 5:

11+ Support Service - 11+ Support letter

                                     11+ Support Brochure

Swimming in Term 3 - Swimming letter



Year 6:

Height and weight check -  Height and weight check

Sir Roger Manwood's  open mornings - Sir Roger Manwood's open morning

Deal Gymnastics visits - Deal Gymnastics visit




