Year 5 2024/2025
Welcome to the Year 5 page! The teaching team in Year 5 consists of Mrs Uppal, Mr Law, Miss Buckett, Mr Clifton Miss Nadin and Miss Black.
Year 5 will be having PE on a Monday and a Wednesday. Please can children wear their PE kits to school on these days.
We also visit Green Zone every term. Remember to have a look at Tapesty to see what we get up to.
Year 5 Fun at Green Zone
Below you will find an overview of our planned learning each term. For more information on what your child will be learning in year 5 please see the curriculum pages and termly newsletters.
Year-5 (ID 1023)
Term 1Astonishing Africa
Term 1
Maths: White rose- Place value, addition and subtraction, Multiplication and division A, converting units, multiplication and division B
English: recount, Narratives and Sonnets Rhyme poetry.
SPAG: Types of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, coordinating conjunctions, past tense, time connectives
Topic – Hist: Benin AD 900 – 1300. (Possible historical comparison). a non-European society that provides contrasts with British history – Benin . What sort of a place was Benin 1000 years ago and how do we know. Discovery and trade-power and influence (Slavery).
Science: Living things and their habitats
Computing: (teach computing scheme Computing systems and networks- systems and searching)
RE: Hinduism- What is the best way for a Hindu to show commitment to God? Theme- Prayer and worship
Music: Charanga-get started with music tech
PE: Dance/ Tag Rugby
French: Review presenting myself and At the Cafe
Art: Illustrations in the Tinga art style. African artists(tradition of artist working from the land) use a variety of media- research, Colour mixing, collage and drawings. (Articulation) Typography and Maps- looking at lettering and how words can be used to show emotions (Tinga Tinga Tale books), Create maps for Benin
PSHE: Being Me in my world
Term 2Space
Term 2
Maths: White Rose: fractions A, Fractions B, Decimal and percentages
English: Non-fiction biography, narrative (complete the adventure), Non-fiction (Cosmos) fact file, persuasive letter to NASA.
SPAG: Simple present tense, layout of a factfile- use of bullet points and parenthesis –brackets, use of commas, persuasive language-, subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, subordinating clauses, relative clauses, expanded noun phrases
Geography—Major rivers of the world- what impact can rivers have on settlements?
Science: Earth & Space
Computing: Creating media video production
RE: Is the story of Christmas true? Christianity/incarnation.
Music: Charanga emotions and musical styles.
PE: Gymnastics/ Basketball
French: The Planets
Art: Skill – drawing. Chalk solar system, Design and make a solar system mobile and evaluate once made. (Making, Sketch books) Typography and Maps
DT: Design, make and evaluate a cross stitch mission patch (textile).
PSHE: Celebrating difference
Term 3Violent Volcanoes
Term 3
Maths: White Rose: Decimals and percentages, Perimeter and area, Volume
English: Description of eruption, Narrative (own version of escape from Pompeii), Newspaper report and Acrostic Poems
SPAG: Subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, subordinating clauses, relative clauses, expanded noun phrases, direct and reported speech.
Geography/ What are the benefits of living near a volcano? Locate Europe and North and South America, Equator, volcanoes and earthquakes, Ring of fire and especially Italy/ Hawaii.
Hist: Romans link Pompeii previous year knowledge. Historical importance of Pompeii.
Science: Properties and changes of materials
Computing: Programming A- selection in physical computing
RE: Hinduism- How can Brahman be everywhere and everything? Theme- Hindu Beliefs.
Music: Exploring key and time signatures.
PE: Handball/Football
French: What is the weather?
Art: Skill: 3D. Making erupting volcanoes, Sketch of erupting volcano, use modrock. (Making, Sketchbooks) Set Design: Explore creating a model set for theatre or animation inspired by poetry, prose, film or music. (Single taster lesson)- response to volcanic eruptions
PSHE: Dreams and goals
Term 4Ancient Egypt
Term 4
Maths: White Rose- Statistics,shape, position and direction
English: Setting description, character description, diary entry, narrative writing, Non-chronological report, instructions.
SPAG: Imperative verbs, Modal verbs, First person,
Geography: What impact can rivers have on settlements? River Nile (River work – See Geog progression of skills), Settlements and land use, economic activity including trade links.
History-The achievements of the earliest civilizations – an overview of where and when the first civilizations appeared and a depth study of Ancient Egypt. How much did the Ancient Egyptians achieve? Power influence (Gods), religion and conflict. achievements of earliest civilisation. (Compare 2 historical periods explaining things which changed and stayed the same, how Britain may have learnt from these civilisations).
Science: Forces
Computing: Data and information flat file databases
RE: Salvation – How significant is it for Christians to believe God intended Jesus to die?
Music: Introducing chords
PE: Badminton/Tennis
French: Clothes
Art: Skill – drawing. Canopic Jar Egyptian architecture.(architects and Artist)Architecture: Dream Big or Small?
Sculpting death masks
Explore the responsibilities architects have to design us a better world. Make your own architectural model. Compare Pyramids and Deal castles- why and how and come up with their own architectural designs.
DT: – wood work- Shaduff designs and making.
PSHE: Healthy Me
Term 5London Eye Mystery
Term 5
Maths: White Rose: Decimals and negative numbers, .
English: Narrative writing, newspaper report, letter writing, interview report
SPAG: Use of colons and semicolons, dashes and parenthesis, compound words, formal and informal language
Geography: Would you rather live in London or New York? Compare London with New York similarities and differences human and physical. Plan a journey from Deal to NY.
Science: Scientists and Inventors
Computing: creating media – introduction to vector graphics
RE: Hinduism- Do beliefs in Karma, Samsara and Moksha help Hindus lead good lives.
Music: Year 5 – will do the Glockenspiel stage 2 unit on Charanga (Freestyle tab) in Term 5
PE: Tri Golf/ Rounders
French: My Home
Art Skills: .Making Monotypes :Combine the monotype process with painting and collage to make visual poetry zine. painting Stephen Wiltshire artwork. London eye story artwork, skyline of London. Mixed Media Land & Cityscapes :Explore how artists use a variety of media to capture spirit of the place. (Single taster lesson)
PSHE: Relationships
Term 6Skellig
Term 6
Maths: White rose- Revision of Fractions and four number operations
English: Narratives, descriptive Poetry.
SPAG: adventurous vocabulary, subjunctive, commas
Geography How diverse is America? (Biomes) Equator, Northern and Southern Hemisphere, climate, Tropics of cancer and Capricorn, Prime Meridian, Savannah and Tundra. Use compass map work and how does climate affect the plants and animals.
Science: Animals including humans
Computing: Programming B –selection in quizzes
RE: What is the best way for Christians to show commitment to God? Christianity- Prayer and worship
Music: identifying important musical elements
PE: OAA / Athletics
French: Revision and Review: Big Write/Presentation
Art: collaging technique to create Skellig, screen printing (Printmaking).Gallery visit
DT- Food technology- picnic in the park-market research, designing and evaluating savoury dishes (pasta and sandwiches)
PSHE: Changing me